Hello I'm Wintryturtle, i am an asshole and i hate everyone. fuck you and also fuck your mom hehhehahaHAHAHAHAHHHA
Hello I'm Wintryturtle, i am an asshole and i hate everyone. fuck you and also fuck your mom hehhehahaHAHAHAHAHHHA
I am currently still in the process of making this website, so uhhhhh here's some fun facts for you! Did you know that Homestuck was initially meant to begin in 4/10? Homestuck initially began as a fully-flash webcomic, but after about 6 pages, Andrew Hussie realized that making a whole webcomic in flash would be too timeconsuming, so instead he summoned the ancient demon Beelzebub and made a pact with him, so that he could use dark magic to complete his webcomic within 7 years, and in return Hussie would allow Beelzebub to eat the flesh of dead sinners! What, you think Hussie could make a WHOLE WEBCOMIC by himself and some coders and artists? no, of course not! thats ridiculous!
To change the colors of various elements, you can replace the "white" and "black" color tags with other color names or with hex codes. To add a background image, replace "link" in the background image code with an actual link. To change your font, upload a font file to Neocities and set it as the src link for the font. You can name the font family whatever you want then. Alternately, you can remove the src link and use the name of a web font (you can look up the names of these).
I left my custom cursor code in here at the top. In order to get rid of the custom cursor, just delete that section of code. In order to replace it with a different custom cursor, go to Cursors-4U and copy the code for your desired custom cursor, then replace it. Cursor animation doesn't work outside Internet Explorer as far as I can tell, so pick one that looks fine not animated.
You can make more styles of div if you like - as many as you want! This is good if you want lots of different elements on your page, but it can gum up your code somewhat.
To make text align left, put in an alignment tag like this. This can also be changed in the div styles, if you want your whole div's text aligned left.
Consider the following:
Have you considered it?
Blog area: So this is the place wehre my blog will be, idfk lbahblbhalba yea!!